‘Interstellar’: Finally a Nolan film worth the hype. *Spoilers*


This film really blew my mind. It was so much better than the ‘Dark Knight’ films and much better executed than ‘Inception’ (2010). There were definitely elements of ‘Inception’ scattered throughout the film but with Interstellar, Nolan seemed to have redefined those elements from being a cinematic novelty few have seen before to an interesting concept that fits seamlessly into the story line yet still stands out as a defining feature.

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‘John Wick’: All the things wrong with modern-day action flicks in 101 minutes


I did not have high expectations going in to see one of the least-anticipated movies of the year. Nevertheless I told myself I would be content with the slightest ounce of originality or believability (asking for both is a bit much). Needless to say, it fell short of even my lowest of low expectations and hence the result in the list below to summarize the issues that constantly pop up in these kinds of movies in recent times and why John Wick was no different and really did not even try to be.

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‘The One I Love’: A must-see of 2014

If you haven’t watched ‘The One I Love’ then do it. This is one movie that you really do have to see for yourself.

Highly imaginative and quirky, the film seems to be a weird mixing pot of genres from Drama to Comedy, to Romance with a hint of Mystery. And because it doesn’t appear to belong to any clear-cut genre you really have no clue what Director, Charlie McDowell, is going to throw at you next.

It’s no ordinary feat these days for a film to completely capture the audience’s attention, and perhaps more impressive is that this film maintains that level of intrigue right up until the rolling of the film credits. … But how?

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